Monday, June 11, 2012

SummerQuest 6

This quest might look easy, but there's more to it than meets the eye! Draw a map. Sounds easy, right? Well, here's your challenge: draw a map of a fictional place from a favorite book, and share it by posting it to Flickr or another website where you can share pictures. Leave a comment with a description and link for the rest of us to admire both your drawing skills and literary taste! After five responses, we'll unlock another piece of the picture.


  1. My map can be seen here...

    Its a map of the fair grounds from Charlotte's Web by E.B. White, one of my favorite books and movies.

    1. Wow, Shell, that just brought back a flood of memories from Charlotte's Web -- I haven't read it since I was a little kid! Thanks so much for sharing it.


    This map depicts the land surrounding the emerald city and the people who live in those lands

    1. This looks great! Thanks for sharing, Swagg Master.


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